If you’ve never played Hotel Dusk: Room 215, let me first start off by assuring you that, despite what it said on the box art, it is not a mystery novel. You can check-in anytime you like, and in about 12 hours, you can comfortably leave The news left me in a haze of grief, and the only way I could find a way to escape the sadness was to break out my Nintendo DS Lite and dive into this little mystery that would consume my life for the next two days. As a fledgling gay who spent far too many hours rewatching Brokeback Mountain on DVD, his was the first celebrity death that actually made an impact on me. I remember the exact day because I was staying with a friend of mine, and that morning when I logged onto her computer to check my email, I was stopped cold when I read the top story on MSN about the unexpected death of actor Heath Ledger. I actually didn’t play Hotel Dusk until a little over a year after it released. Or, if a specific game from my past that I enjoyed is celebrating an anniversary, I might subconsciously give priority listing to it, which is what I’ve been doing all this month with Hotel Dusk: Room 215. Sometimes I’m a Marvel’s Spider-Man type of guy, other times I’m a Super Metroid fellow. It’s all just related to whatever it is I’m fancying at the moment. I’m awful at it, and if you were to ask me what my top 5 was on a Monday, chances are four of the titles wouldn’t be there if you asked me again on Friday.

And that’s especially true when trying to rank the hundreds of video games I’ve played over the years. I can easily name one or two entries that remain at the top of any list I make, but beyond that, it’s basically based on a whim. But, as much as I enjoy writing up my own top 5s whenever I’m bored out of my mind, I’ve found over the years that I’m quite bad at it.
#Bradley hotel dusk wili tv#
Top 5 movies, top 5 songs, top 5 TV shows that were canceled because they cast Scott Foley we love making lists. Maybe one day we'll discover what actually happened.If there is one thing about High Fidelity that rings consistently true, it’s that people love to make Top 5 Lists. I ended up completing it 10 times because I wanted to see the ending properly/fully and because I just enjoyed it that much. On a side note though: this game was incredible and a real atmosphere. Mila makes an appearance in it as well, but I don't think it offers any closure to the Hotel Dusk story. There IS a sequel to this game called "Last Window: The Secret of Cape West" but I don't know ANYTHING about it besides that it's the sequel. A prequel to explain it all properly from Bradley's perspective would be incredible though! I think that's part of the mystery that is the character Bradley. As the years go on, I'm inclined to believe besides the letter that he left Kyle was as far as we were meant to go with his story. But Dunning knows it's Jenny and Jenny knows it's her dad.īradley and Nile however, haven't got a fucking clue mate. The aftermath of her getting there though, I couldn't tell you what happens. you have to complete the game at least three times before you see her face but I was left to believe that she DID return to Dunning at the hotel based on that. If you playthrough the game 3 times (I think it's three times), a cutscene plays at the end of the credits and we are shown Dunning and Rosa in the hotel going about their usual business (with slight bickering lol) when all of a sudden the lobby doors open and in comes a grown up Jenny and then it ends.