#Oxygen xml editor 10.0 pdf#
This can be done for both XSL-FO PDF transformations or CSS-based PDF transformations. This is helpful if you want to see the document in a final version while still seeing change bars where content was inserted or deleted. Show Only Change Bars for Tracked Changes in PDF Output - Added the ability to only display the change bars for tracked changes in PDF output while hiding the other styling for the inserted or deleted content.Protect PDF Files with Security Permissions - For CSS-based PDF transformations, you can now restrict the permissions for people using your PDF files by using some new transformation parameters.
#Oxygen xml editor 10.0 iso#
If this parameter is set to yes, the PDF output will be generated in compliance with the PDF/Universal Accessibility standard (also known as ISO 14289).

Oxygen has been updated to include the latest DITA 2.0 standard DTDs.topics) in the Project view with Main Files support enabled, references are now updated faster, improving the user experience for large DITA projects. Speed Improved for Updating References When Renaming/Moving Resources - When renaming or moving DITA resources (e.g.Find All Elements When a DITA Map is Open With Expanded Topics - When a DITA map is open with all of the referenced topics expanded/editable in one document, the Find All Elements action now detects elements in the referenced topics.Sort Media Resources by Date - The Media tab in the DITA Reusable Components view now has an option in the settings drop-down menu to sort the presented media resources depending on both their last modification and creation times.You can use it to define keys for all of a DITA map's topic references based on the referenced file name and it converts each direct reference in each DITA topic to a key reference.

Define Keys for all Topic References - You now have a simple way to convert links inside a DITA project from direct to indirect (key-based addressing) via a new DITA map refactoring action (Define keys for all topic references).Change or Remove Profiling Attribute Values - A new refactoring action (Change or remove profiling attribute value) has been added for DITA users who want to change a profiling attribute value in the entire project or to remove a certain value from all defined profiling attributes.Convert Between DITA Bookmaps and Maps - New refactoring actions (Convert DITA Bookmap to Map and Convert DITA Map to Bookmap) have been added for DITA users who want to convert a DITA bookmap to a map, and vice versa.This sample project contains examples for various framework customizations and a best practices project structure to help you initiate your own customizations. New Sample Project Now Available to Help With DITA Customizations - The New Project Wizard now includes a new project template named Startup DITA Project that can be used as inspiration for your own custom DITA projects.Configure and Run Validation Scenarios from the DITA Maps Manager - The DITA Maps Manager toolbar now has a validation drop-down menu that, along with the usual Validate and Check for Completeness button, contains options for running or configuring validation scenarios for the current map.