#Parkdale post office waycross license
Reynolds (1953), expanding the government's state secrets privilege.ĭuring the 1950s the city had a tourist gimmick: local police would stop motorists with out-of-state license plates and escort them to downtown Waycross. Waycross was the site of the 1948 Waycross B-29 crash, which led to the legal case United States v. In 1941, the national park was deeded over to Georgia, becoming the State's 13th state park.

Work on the park was undertaken by the Works Progress Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps. In 1937, the federal government purchased distressed farmland for the park. She was the only living person for whom a state or national park was named. An effort to recognize her work culminated in President Franklin D Roosevelt issuing a proclamation to establish the Laura S Walker National Park in her honor. She erected markers and monuments along old trails and at historic sites, in Waycross and Ware County so that local history would not be forgotten. Walker promoted a comprehensive program of forestry activity, including the establishment of forest parks. Walker (1861-1955) a noted author and conservationist. Georgia women would not get the right to vote generally in all elections until 1922. It wasn't until two years later in 1919 that Atlanta became the second Georgia city to do this. This action was taken because some of the largest property owners in town were women who wanted a say in how their tax dollars were spent. The city council in Waycross opened municipal primary elections to white women in 1917, the first town in Georgia to do so. Waycross gets its name from the city's location at key railroad junctions lines from six directions meet at the city. It was incorporated as "Way Cross" on March 3, 1874. It was renamed Tebeauville in 1857, incorporated under that name in 1866, and designated county seat of Ware County in 1873. The area now known as Waycross was first settled circa 1820, locally known as "Old Nine" or "Number Nine" and then Pendleton.

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#Parkdale post office waycross free
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